Ministry House for children of Belen:
The latest goal for the ministry in Iquitos is a "Ministry House" where we can minister to the needs
of the street kids and the children and adults of Belen, Belen is one of the poorest of the shantytowns in Iquitos.
The goal would be to have a building that would house various ministries such as:
River Ministry:
We are currently visiting the river community of "Panguana". We have been visiting there since
April of 2007 and continue to visit every Thursday, weather permitting. We have been given a lot of
land there to build a church, and we wait upon funds to be able to do that.
CC Bible College Satellite (of IBCC Lima):
This is in the prayer stage and we are hoping to have a CC Bible College classes here
soon. This may be different than other places in that it, in the beginning, it will
be mainly focused for the river pastors. We will work the classes around their schedules
so that they can finish as many classes as possible when they are in Iquitos. We may
not have a lot of students who complete all the courses and graduate but these brothers
will be greatly blessed to be able to have quality teaching at a very low fee, and free
if possible. The need for proper teaching and good doctrine is extremely important for
the river communities.
Pastors Conferences:
Both, the River ministry and the CC Bible College go hand in hand with the Pastors’
Conferences we have had. Thanks to the conferences, “Calvary Chapel” is now known to the
pastors of Iquitos and to some of the river pastors as well. We have built a good
reputation with them and we are well respected. The only goal here is to teach good
doctrine and build up our brother pastors and leaders with good teaching and solid
doctrine; this in turn will bless the Christian community of Iquitos.
Jesus Movie Ministry:
The blessing of the equipment to show the Jesus Movie has been a blessing for both, the
communities we have visited and us. We have used the equipment to show the Jesus Movie
on the rivers and in the shantytowns around Iquitos. The goal of this ministry is to
come along side churches and bless them and their communities by showing the movie in a
soccer field or park so that many who would not usually go to a church will stop by and
watch the movie. The local church is blessed with new members as well as with Bibles
intended for those who come to the church after accepting the Lord or as the church sees
We have had a great response with the average audience about 300 at each showing. We work with churches that invite us since the ministry is not just about numbers but also about discipleship. We ask those who have accepted the Lord to fill out a small slip of paper with their name and address. We turn these slips over to the Pastor who along with his church are then responsible for follow up and prayer for these people.
This ministry has also opened up doors to visit other river communities and to get to know more pastors and leaders there and also in the shantytowns around Iquitos.